Thursday, July 29, 2010

Short observations from Denver and Chicago 7/29/10

1. There is an unexpected, but mesmerizing, art installation in the Denver airport hidden in the corner where you turn to go from the B80-90s gates into the main B terminal 60s and lower. It has grass and shadows. It's inexplicable, but I sort of love it. (or it might be easily explicable but I don't have time to check it out)

2. Why does the Caribou coffee close so early? narf. If you are going from the B80-90s to the main terminal you'll have to get starbucks if you have a night flight. People, your target clientele has jetlag and/or coffee as the main ingredient replacing water in their veins!

3. The Denver payphone seats all have coveted outlets, but not really enough room to use your laptop easily. whatever, it's good to know when all the terminal outlets are taken.

4. the man who makes the announcements in O'Hare sounds almost exactly like Barack Obama. It always throws me off. "This is your president telling you not to run and and there is no smoking in the main terminal, you need to find a designated smoking area."

5. United, your new 1st class snack box is nasty. The only good things are the olives and, begrudgingly, the chocolate chip cookies, two foods which do not complement each other. Why do the Kettle Chips taste like that? Kettle chips are usually delicious; these taste vaguely automotive. Why would you choose parmesan as your cheese spread? As a cheese lover, I know parmesan is mildly biting at best and offensive at worst. It smells. If you want to be truly offensive, just choose bleu cheese and be done with it. otherwise. garlic and herb. or cheddar. listen to the vox populi of cheese. and the crackers and italian breadsticks are like sawdust.


  1. First of all anyone who says vox populi of cheese is a hero. Second Caribou Coffee is filth.

  2. Third, I agree with the first.
